
A flexible Elasticsearch producer for the Elixir Broadway library.

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION


Hex.pm Version

A flexible and extensible Elasticsearch producer for Broadway to process large amounts of data from your Elasticsearch cluster.

Full documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/off_broadway_elasticsearch

This project provides:



A GenStage producer that continuously fetches documents from Elasticsearch based on the configured strategy.

Search Strategies

Strategies are meant to provide flexibility based on your use case. The current strategies are:

  • OffBroadway.Elasticsearch.SearchAfterStrategy - Docs: Search After
  • OffBroadway.Elasticsearch.ScrollStrategy- Docs: Scroll Search
  • OffBroadway.Elasticsearch.SliceStrategy - Docs: Sliced Scroll

If any of the built strategies don't fit your use case you can provide your own implementation of OffBroadway.Elasticsearch.Strategy and pass it to the producer via the strategy_module: option.


Add off_broadway_elasticsearch to the list of dependences in your mix.exs file:

def deps do
    {:off_broadway_elasticsearch, "~> 0.1.0"}


The available options are:

  • host: (String.t()) - Required. The host where Elasticsearch can be found.
  • index: (String.t()) - Required. The index to be ingested.
  • search: (Map.t()) - Required. The search payload to be sent to Elasticsearch.
  • strategy: (Atom.t()) - One of:
  • strategy_module: (Atom.t()). A custom module that implements OffBroadway.Elasticsearch.Strategy to be used if any of the built in strategies don't fit your use case.


defmodule MyBroadway do
  use Broadway

  def start_link(_opts) do
      name: __MODULE__,
      producer: [
        module: {
            # The options listed above.
            host: "http://localhost:9200",
            index: "my-index",
            strategy: :slice,
            # If `strategy_module` is provided, it will take precedence over
            # `strategy`, that can be omitted when providing this option.
            strategy_module: MySearchStrategy
            search: search() # Extracted to a private function below.
        transformer: {__MODULE__, :transform, []},
        concurrency: 10
      processors: [
        default: [concurrency: 5]

  defp search do
      query: %{
        match_all: %{}
      sort: %{
        created_at: "asc",
        _id: "asc"