
Repo for SPOLIN corpus and paper "Grounding Conversations with Improvised Dialogues" (ACL2020)


CC BY-NC 4.0

SPOLIN: Spontaneanation Pairs of Learnable ImprovisatioN

This is the repo for the paper "Grounding Conversations with Improvised Dialogues" (ACL2020). SPOLIN is a collection of more than 68,000 "Yes, and" type dialogue pairs extracted from the Spontaneanation podcast by Paul F. Tompkins, the Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus, and the SubTle corpus.

Available SPOLIN versions:

The core dataset that was used for the experiments in the paper only includes yesands and non-yesands from Spontaneanation and most of what is provided in those extracted from the Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus. After the submitting the paper, we continued our iterative data augmentation process, repeating another iteration with the Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus and extracting from the SubTle corpus. This expanded version is also included in this repository here. This latest version of SPOLIN was used to train the model used in our demo.

In the data folder, we provide two versions of the SPOLIN training set:

  1. Version used for experiments in the ACL paper: data/spolin-train-acl.json
  2. Expanded version: data/spolin-train.json

Upcoming updates:

We will release publicly available download links to our classifier and fine-tuned GPT-2 models soon.

Relevant links:

Project page: https://justin-cho.com/spolin Demo: https://spolin.isi.edu Paper: Link coming soon

Latest SPOLIN:

yesands non-yesands
Spontaneanation 10,959 6,087*
Cornell 16,926 18,810
SubTle 40,303 19,512
Total 68,188 44,409

*Artificially collected by mix & matching positive Spontaneanation samples to balance dataset for training classifier

data/spolin-train.json data/spolin-valid.json
yesands non-yesands
Spontaneanation 10,459 5,587*
Cornell 16,426 18,310
SubTle 40,303 19,512
Total 67,188 43,409
yesands non-yesands
Spontaneanation 500 500
Cornell 500 500
Total 1,000 1,000


If you use data or code in this repository, please cite our ACL2020 paper:

    title={Grounding Conversations with Improvised Dialogues},
    author={Cho, Hyundong and May, Jonathan},
    booktitle ={Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

CC BY-NC 4.0