
Enhances the meteor check package by optionally toasting a success or error messages on the client.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meteor check toast

Enhances the meteor check package by optionally toasting a success or error messages on the client.


The package exports a single function of the form:

function checkToast (value, pattern, toasts = {error: '', success= ''})

The value and pattern params are passed to check to perform usual checking. If an error toast is specified, a toast will be shown if the check fails. If an success toast is specified, a toast will be shown if the check passes.


import checkToast from "meteor/jonmbake:check-toast";

Meteor.methods({addChat: function (roomId, message) {
  // Will function the same as meteor check, except will toast the message, 'Invalid room id' when the check fails
  checkToast(roomId, String, {error: 'Invalid room id'});
  // ...

If the check fails, the client will see:

Toast Example


meteor add jonmbake:check-toast