
Microservices Security in Action Book Samples

Microservices Security In Action

By Prabath Siriwardena and Nuwan Dias

Part 1 Overview

Chapter 1: Welcome to microservices security

  • How security works in a monolithic application
  • Challenges of securing microservices
  • Key security funamentals
  • Edge security
  • Securing service-to-service communication
  • Security in DevOps
  • Security code development lifecycle (SCDL)
  • Summary
  • Your first microservice
  • Setting up an OAuth 2.0 server
  • Securing a microservice with OAuth 2.0
  • Invoking a secured microservice with a client application
  • Authorization of requests based on OAuth 2.0 scopes
  • Summary

Part 2 Edge Security

  • The need for an API gateway in a microservices architecture?
  • Security at the edge
  • How to pick the correct OAuth 2.0 grant type?
  • Setting up an API gateway with Zuul
  • Deploying a microservice behind Zuul
  • Securing communication between Zuul and the microservice
  • Summary
  • Building a single-page app
  • Introducing an API gateway, and setting up cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
  • Securing a SPA with OpenID Connect
  • Federated authentication
  • Summary

Chapter 5: Engaging throttling, monitoring and access control

  • Engaging throttling at the API gateway with Zuul
  • Monitoring & analytics with Prometheus and Grafana
  • Enforce access control policies at the API gateway with Zuul and Open Policy Agent (OPA)
  • Summary

Part 3 Service to Service Communication

  • Why use mTLS?
  • Creating certificates
  • Securing microservices with TLS
  • Engaging mTLS
  • Challenges in key management
  • Key rotation
  • Monitoring key use
  • Summary
  • What is a JSON Web Token (JWT)?
  • What does a JWT look like?
  • JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
  • Use cases for securing microservices with JWT
  • Setting up an STS to issue JWTs
  • Securing microservices with JWT
  • Using JWT as a data source to do access control
  • Securing service-to-service communication with JWT
  • Exchanging a JWT for a new one with a new audience
  • Summary

Chapter 8: Securing service-to-service communication happens over gRPC

  • Understanding gRPC
  • Service-to-service communications over gRPC
  • Securing gRPC service-to-service communications with mTLS
  • Securing gRPC service-to-service communications with JWT
  • Summary

Chapter 9: Securing Event-driven microservices

  • Why event-driven microservices?
  • Setting up Kafka as a message broker in a microservices deployment
  • Developing a microservice to push events to a topic in Kafka
  • Developing a microservice to read events from a Kafka topic
  • Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to protect data in transit
  • Using mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for authentication
  • Controlling access to Kafka topics with ACLs
  • Controlling access to Kafka topics with OPA
  • Summary

Part 4 Secure Deployment

Chapter 10: Conquering container security with Docker

  • Docker security principles
  • Deploying a microservice on Docker
  • Securing the host
  • Running Docker Bench for security
  • Running Docker in Swarm mode
  • Challenges in container security
  • Summary

Chapter 11: Securing microservices on Kubernetes

  • Setting up a Docker cluster with Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes built in security features
  • Setting up Kubernetes security policies
  • Using Kubernetes network policies
  • Securing applications with Calico
  • Implementing security as a sidecar
  • Summary

Chapter 12: Securing microservices with Istio service mesh

  • Setting up Istio on Kubernetes
  • Istio authentication architecture
  • Securing service-to-service communication with mTLS
  • Securing service-to-service communication with JWT
  • Istio authorization architecture
  • Enabling authorization
  • Summary

Part 5 Secure Development

Chapter 13: Secure coding practices and automation

  • OWASP API security top 10
  • Static code analysis vs. dynamic analysis
  • Running static code analysis
  • Running dependency checks
  • Running dynamic analysis with OWASP ZAP
  • Integrating security testing with Jenkins
  • Summary