
A small utility for managing and interacting with GPG encrypted files

Primary LanguageGo


safe is a command line tool for interacting with encrypted files. It provides a configuration file for tracking files and recipients.

safe uses gpg v1 to encrypt files. safe provides both a CLI and go library for managing and interacting with protected files

Getting Started

In order to get started with safe, a safe.yml file must be created within a repository:

Command Line Usage

Create / Edit a file

To create a file or edit a previously encrypted file:

$ safe edit foo.md

Protect a File

To encrypt and track a previously unencrypted file, safe provides protect:

$ safe protect foo.md

The safe CLI will add this file to it's list of tracked files, encrypt it and delete the original.


safe provides a way to export secrets from a protected yaml file into an environment.

Given the safe protected file: config.yml with the contents:

key: value

When safe exec is run with a command, the environment variable KEY=value will be exported:

$ safe exec config.yml.gpg.asc env | grep KEY

Reencrypt a file

To reencrypt one or all tracked files with the current list of recipients, safe provides a reencrypt command.

$ safe reencrypt -all