Github Issues for Vim
This plugin was built on mac and has only been tested with mac for now. However, assuming your vim was included with python 2.7, you shouldn't have any problems. No external python modules are required.
" vimrc
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
Plugin 'jonmorehouse/vimhub'
# homebrew vim comes with python
$ brew install vim
# install all vundle plugins
vim +PluginInstall +qall
# add $GITHUB_TOKEN to your environment
Since I haven't solidified all of the features / functionality, I haven't included a custom syntax. I recommend using a markdown syntax plugin to keep things looking nice.
" vimrc
Plugin 'tpope/vim-markdown'
Browse issues for any github repository you have access to
If working on a fork, vimhub will use upstream issues if available.
" browse issues for <your_username>/vim
:Gissues vim
"# browse jonmorehouse/vim
:Gissues jonmorehouse/vim
" browse all issues (default state is open)
:Gissues state=all
:Gissues jonmorehouse/vim state=all
Open, create and browse issues
" press i to create a new issue
<Normal> i
" press enter to open an issue
<Normal> <ENTER>
" press b to browse an issue in your default browser
<Normal> b
Create or open an issue for editing, viewing and commenting
" open an issue in current repository (if you are working from within a git repository)
" open a specific issue in current repository
:Gissue 3
" open any issue
:Gissue jonmorehouse/vim 5
" open new issue in any project you have access too
:Gissue vim
:Gissue jonmorehouse/vim
" save current issue
<Normal> s
" open current issue in browser
<Normal> <ENTER>
" toggle open/close issue
<Normal> c
Feel free to open an issue for anything that seems relevant for this plugin
- More detailed github issues (information on pull requests, open/close states etc)
- Pull Requests - create/merge pull requests
- Milestones - create,edit,open,close milestones
- Omnicomplete (for milestones, and issues)
- Ability to auto-guess repos that are in your organization.