
Abandoned: Large scale landing page generator - I took a different approach to solve the problem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Large scale landing page generator


You'll need virtualenv for the install process.

$ git clone https://github.com/jonmoshier/soapbox.git

$ cd soapbox

soapbox$ virtualenv -p python3 virt
> ...
> New python executable in soapbox/virt/bin/python3
> Also creating executable in soapbox/virt/bin/python
> Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

soapbox$ source virt/bin/activate

(virt) soapbox$ pip install -r requirements.txt
> Collecting Django
> .... etc, etc ...
> Successfully installed Django
> .... etc, etc ...

At this point rename soapbox/soapbox/soapbox/secrets.py.template to be soapbox/soapbox/soapbox/secrets.py and grab a secret key from https://www.miniwebtool.com/django-secret-key-generator/

Edit secrets.py

# secrets.py
SECRET_KEY = 'insert-your-secret-key'

to have a proper secret key.

(virt) soapbox$ cd soapbox
(virt) soapbox/soapbox$ ./manage.py makemigrations

(virt) soapbox/soapbox$ ./manage.py migrate
(virt) soapbox/soapbox$ ./manage.py createsuperuser

>> follow prompts

(virt) soapbox/soapbox$ ./manage.py runserver

and navigate your browser to localhost:8000