
kubernetes sidecar and app to publish secrets to a containerized app.

Primary LanguageRuby

Secret puller Build Status

Applciation to run in a kubernets sidecar app with used in samson, to publish secrets and configs to a containerized application.

Samon will need the following ENV vars set:

VAULT_ADDR: required
VAULT_AUTH_FILE: localtion of the mounted secret in the k8s cluster, defaults to '/vault-auth/authsecret'
VAULT_TLS_VERIFY: optional, defaults to, false
SIDECAR_SECRET_PATH: optional defaults to  '/secrets'

Your kubernetes cluster will also requires a few objects in order for this to work. A token or an pemfile (VAULT_AUTH_FILE) will need to be created in vault, then the secret object will need to be created. The contents of the secret must be base64 encoded, and cannot enclude EOF. See: kubernets/vault-auth-secret.yml kubernets/vault-auth-token.yml


Sidecar reads annotations secret/BAR=foo/bar/baz/foo and generates a file called BAR in SIDECAR_SECRET_PATH with the content being the result of the vault lookup for foo/bar/baz/foo.


bundle && rake


... build ...
docker build -t samson-secret-puller .
docker tag -f samson-secret-puller docker-registry.zende.sk/samson-secret-puller:latest
docker push docker-registry.zende.sk/samson-secret-puller:latest


cd gem
rake bump:patch
rake release