
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reddit Scraper

Here is a reddit scraper that allows people to register, login, and save their favorite reddit threads and to make personal comments/notes on each thread. This adds a new level of functionality that reddit doesn't have in their saved threads by allowing you to make a personal note on a thread. This concept can easily be applied to incorporate all news/sites that can be scraped and allow a user to save links and make notes on those links. This can be potentially useful to researchers/journalists who favorite/save a lot of things but also want notes to remind them as to why they saved it.


Go to this link: https://gentle-temple-67737.herokuapp.com/


The register system lacks email confirmation but it does check if a username or email is already in use.



You can then log in via the login button at the top.



Here you can add a subreddit and select a subreddit to scrape. You can favorite a reddit thread by clicking on the heart under each thread.



Finally, go back to the dashboard to add comments your favorite.


Future Implementation

There is actual potential for this concept to be turned into a full application. Here is a list of features that would be needed.

  • Styling (almost no styling was done for this)
  • Commenting on scraper page
  • Include all comments for each favorite in a single modal to allow editing
  • Delete subreddits added
  • Sort favorites by subreddit, descending, alphabetically, and more
  • More favorite editing including title and url
  • Share your favorites with other people
  • Sort subreddits by hot, new, top(sort by time), controversial(sort by time)
  • Add more websites like NYT, WaPo, Voat, etc.
  • Add ability for user to custom input a URL and comments for that favorite
  • Turn this into a mobile app where it would be most useful