
BIOL7800 Assignment 9

Primary LanguagePython

Task 1

Here is a quote from Albert Einstein:

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."

This quote is also a string. Write a program that includes 5 different functions each of which demonstrates one of 5 different string methods. As always, your program should contain a main loop and an ifmain statement.

Task 2

Here are some data from ExaML - a phylogenetic inference program - represented as a string. In this case, these data are from different runs of the program, and they indicate the log-likelihood scores for a set of trees inferred by the program. The data are tabular in format, more specifically, they are tab-delimited:

ExaML_info.T6\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924194.67\n
ExaML_info.T5\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924194.71\n
ExaML_info.T9\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924194.73\n
ExaML_info.T7\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924252.98\n
ExaML_info.T2\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924253.01\n
ExaML_info.T1\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924354.95\n
ExaML_info.T8\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924354.98\n
ExaML_info.T15\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924366.58\n
ExaML_info.T0\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924366.59\n
ExaML_info.T4\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924397.48\n
ExaML_info.T16\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924424.87\n
ExaML_info.T3\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924424.89\n
ExaML_info.T14\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924426.52\n
ExaML_info.T12\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924426.53\n
ExaML_info.T13\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924426.54\n
ExaML_info.T19\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924465.57\n
ExaML_info.T17\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82924707.69\n
ExaML_info.T10\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82925366.65\n
ExaML_info.T18\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82925393.89\n
ExaML_info.T11\tLikelihood of best tree:\t-82925447.6\n

Write a program that processess these data to split them by line ending, replaces the tab separations with commas, and prints out the result - line-by-line. As always, your program should contain a main loop and an ifmain statement.

Task 3

Here's a list: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

Write a program that takes this list (using argparse) as input, and passes the list to a function. Within the function, use iteration to remove every even-numbered item from the list, and return only the list containing odd numbers to the main loop. As always, your program should contain a main loop and an ifmain statement.

Task 4

In the following program, we are performing some operations on a list, but we never return the list to the main() loop. However, when we print() the list within the main function after running function1, it appears to have been modified. Then, after running function2, the list does not appear to be modified further. Why do you see these different behaviors between function1 and function2? Answer the question for each function by copying the code below to task5.py within your github username directory and adding your explanation to each function as a function description.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

(c) 2016 Brant Faircloth || http://faircloth-lab.org/
All rights reserved.

This code is distributed under a 3-clause BSD license. Please see
LICENSE.txt for more information.

Created on 15 February 2016 16:59 CST (-0600)

def function1(l):
    del l[3:5]

def function2(l):
    l = l[1:]

def main():
    my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
    print("Here is output from function 1:")
    print("Here is output from function 2:")

if __name__ == '__main__':