
Python based DropBox client for the Nokia N900 mobile device

Primary LanguagePython

2013 update

This was a hobby project of mine to try out Maemo5 development when I got the N900.
Since then Dropbox has deprecated the API version that this app is using, so DropN900
will no longer work (should not at least).

I don't have any plans to update to the new API due to 
  1) N900 is no longer my main phone 
  2) I don't have time for this project anymore due to work etc.

I'm sorry about this to all of the users this app gained over the years!

DropN900 - a maemo5 dropbox client

Dropbox released a public (mobile) API to their services some time ago.
As the maemo 5 platform was lacking a native client for the dropbox services,
I wanted to make one. I use the dropbox provided python API client and PyQt4.

Please visit the official thread of this app on maemo.org for more info

Release changelog
See Changelog.txt


You cant do anything with this repo alone. There are alot python dependencies and some of them are
maemo 5 spesific. You can run this in the Maemo 5 SDK in scratchbox with proper deps installed,
but still you would be missing the dropbox app key that I wont share here for apparent reasons.