
Deleting/ re-arranging folders on N900 doesn't delete/ re-arrange the folders on the server

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an account and add a few folders and files.
  2. Install dropn900 on N900 and sync up with the above created account
  3. Once sync is done, delete some file/ folder from the N900 synced folder.
  4. Launch DropN900 and sync.

Expectation is that the server gets updated with the deleted folders/ files. However, what happens is that the deleted files/ folders re-appear on N900.

I also noticed that changes of files and addition of files on the N900 does not get synchronized with the Dropbox folder.

The timestamp of the files in the Dropbox application is reported in GMT whereas the files on the N900 is reported in my current timezone GMT-7.
Could the difference in timestamp be a problem when syncing?

No the timestamps are not the issue. Issue is that all the syncing done is my own implementation, as said on the apps thread many times DropBox provides me with a REST API. I cannot and will not get updates from dropbox is something was deleted, this is all me doing the logic and you with UI selections. I did now this is an issue and I have released new version today to try to fix this.

So now you have the option of deleting the local new files (that you have deleted from dropbox) or to re-upload them. So the choise is yours. Please dont bash me as this is the best I can do without any notifications from the server what was previously there but is not anymore. My options of logic is to delete locals or reupload to remote, thats it :)

Hope the update helps you guys out

PS. I will close this ticket as the update on the app was my "fix" for this.