
Dropn900 doesn't start

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Trying to launch this application I just discovered (new to dropbox also) but it's not starting. Any ideas where to start to solve? Could some logs help on this issue?
Using PR1.3 (20.2010.36-2) release for n900. Downloaded from appmanager.
Also tried installing from the terminal and the result was the same.

Hi same for me here. If I could help out somehow, just tell me

after some time of successfull usage, DropN900 stopped to authenticate at dropbox and now while trying to re-enter auth credentials I receive:
"Email and/or password invalid"
in log:
"No stored access token found"

Yeah, dropbox has dropped the API version that DropN900 uses. I don't have any plans to update DropN900. I'm sorry for this, but I don't have the time and my N900 is laying in a box somewhere :(

Dropbox did inform me that the API was being removed and posted helpful porting info, so it is not their fault.

I'm honestly suprised that no one else haven't made a dropbox client for maemo after all these years :)