

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code


Each year is implemented as a separate module inside the years directory. Each day's code is a separate module inside the days directory of the year. There are a few common utility modules as well:

  • EventUtils: Contains all infrastructure-related functions
  • Common: Contains any utilities that are shared across all years


Adding a new year

To set up a new year, use the EventUtils.initialize_year(root_directory[, year]) function with the root_directory being this repo's root directory. Specify the year to create as an integer (if none is given, the current year will be chosen).

Setting cookie file for data download

If you want to automatically download data from the AOC website instead of manually entering it, in the EventUtils directory save your AOC cookie in a file called cookie.


Downloading data

Use the download_input() function from the year's module to download the current day's input into the inputs directory for that year. To download a different day's input, pass in the day number as an integer.

using Advent2022

Advent2022.download_input() # download today's input
Advent2022.download_input(3) # download the input for day 3

Running your code

To run a day's code, use the run_day function on the module of the day you want to run.

julia> run_day(Advent2022.Day1)
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Input tests   |    2      2
Solution 1: [answer 1 (hidden here)]
  0.000002 seconds (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
Solution 2: [answer 2 (hidden here)]
  0.000037 seconds (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
julia> run_day(Advent2022.Day1, time=false)
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
Input tests   |    2      2
Solution 1: [answer 1 (hidden here)]
Solution 2: [answer 2 (hidden here)]

julia> run_day(Advent2022.Day1, test=false, time=false)
Solution 1: [answer 1 (hidden here)]
Solution 2: [answer 2 (hidden here)]

Each day is it's own module with exported functions

  • get_inputs
  • get_solution1
  • get_solution2

Calling get_inputs() will return a NamedTuple with entries

  • test_input1
  • test_input2
  • test_output1
  • test_output2
  • data

Before solving the problem, the run_day function will first check that

inputs = get_inputs()
get_solution1(inputs.test_input1) == inputs.test_output1
get_solution2(inputs.test_input2) == inputs.test_output2

You can also manually run any of the solutions like this:

julia> using Advent2022.Day1

julia> get_solution1(get_inputs().data)
[answer 1 (hidden here)]