
A simple but powerful web crawler library in C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Infinity Crawler

A simple but powerful web crawler library in C#

AppVeyor Codecov NuGet


  • Obeys robots.txt (crawl delay & allow/disallow)
  • Obeys in-page robots rules (X-Robots-Tag header and <meta name="robots" /> tag)
  • Uses sitemap.xml to seed the initial crawl of the site
  • Built around a parallel task async/await system
  • Swappable request and content processors, allowing greater customisation
  • Auto-throttling (see below)

Polite Crawling

The crawler is built around fast but "polite" crawling of website. This is accomplished through a number of settings that allow adjustments of delays and throttles.

You can control:

  • Number of simulatenous requests
  • The delay between requests starting (Note: If a crawl-delay is defined for the User-agent, that will be the minimum)
  • Artificial "jitter" in request delays (requests seem less "robotic")
  • Timeout for a request before throttling will apply for new requests
  • Throttling request backoff: The amount of time added to the delay to throttle requests (this is cumulative)
  • Minimum number of requests under the throttle timeout before the throttle is gradually removed

Other Settings

  • Control the UserAgent used in the crawling process
  • Set additional host aliases you want the crawling process to follow (for example, subdomains)
  • The max number of retries for a specific URI
  • The max number of redirects to follow
  • The max number of pages to crawl

Example Usage

using InfinityCrawler;

var crawler = new Crawler();
var result = await crawler.Crawl(new Uri("http://example.org/"), new CrawlSettings {
	UserAgent = "MyVeryOwnWebCrawler/1.0",
	RequestProcessorOptions = new RequestProcessorOptions
		MaxNumberOfSimultaneousRequests = 5