Demo Terraform Multi-Env Deploy without Workspaces

Why Terraform?

  • Version your Infrastructure
  • Simplified configuration files over CloudFormation
  • Infrastructure as code that is in lockstep with feature deployments
  • Supports a Myriad of Cloud Providers
  • Can spawn up infrastructure across different Cloud Platforms
  • Infrastructure orchestration
  • One click process to set/teardown everything


  1. Zip application to deploy & append version number to file
  2. cd into directory of environment to deploy
  3. First time ONLY in directory will need to terraform init for environment
  4. When deploying to an environment:
    • Execute terraform plan -out=plan.pilot to create plan file
    • Execute terraform apply plan.pilot to deploy to Pilot environment


  • More explicit deployment mechanism
  • Less verbose deployment mechanism
  • Easy to understand and organize files


  • Need to create multiple initializations
  • Version of application is a little muddy