
PoolManager for GridSeeds and other ASICs

Primary LanguagePerl

THIS IS THE GRIDSEED VERSION. It should work with any ASIC. It is adapted from PoolManager, which was made for GPUs.

Web based pool and miner manager for Linux running CGminer and clones (sgminer, bfgminer, etc). Written in perl (no php).

Current features:

  • Add or Remove pools, or Switch priority, from the web GUI without stopping your miner.
  • Miner Profiles allow you to switch algos and/or configs with ease.
  • All Mining Strategies supported, including Load Balance with quotas.
  • Stats header with Total Accepted/Rejected/Ratio, Work Util, HW errors, Uptime, Load, Free Mem.
  • Stop/start/restart the miner from the Overview, with version and run time display.
  • ASC and Pool details pages, including native graphing with persistence.
  • Miner details page with reboot control, SSH to Host link and Configuration Editor.
  • Email alert notifications for ASCs and Pools, including hung or stopped miner.
  • GUI settings page - easy access to your PoolManager configuration.
  • Install script enables SSL redirection for security.
  • Easy CSS theming, with several themes included.
  • Password Manager for htpasswd.

See the GitHub wiki page for screenshots.

Reqirements: Linux running cgminer or clone. Apache2. This will need the following Perl modules on clean Linux installs:

  • libjson-perl
  • libyaml-perl
  • librrds-perl
  • libproc-pid-file-perl

and for email notifications..

  • libemail-simple-perl
  • libemail-sender-perl
  • libtry-tiny-perl
  • libemail-sender-transport-smtp-tls-perl (for TLS)


(Doing it this way ensures all the files will have the correct permissions.)

  1. ssh into your miner, so you are at the command prompt. be root (if you are user, do: sudo su - ).
  2. do: wget https://github.com/starlilyth/Linux-SeedManager/archive/master.zip
  3. do: unzip master.zip
  4. cd to 'Linux-SeedManager-master' directory and run: perl ./install-sm.pl

Please make sure the following entries are in your cgminer.conf:

"api-listen" : true,
"api-allow" : "W:",

Once installed, simply visit the IP of your miner in a browser. SeedManager enables and uses SSL (https), so be sure to open port 443 on any firewalls or routers if necessary.


If you install htpasswd from the Settings page, the default login/password is poolmanager/live

UPGRADING IS JUST AS EASY! Do all the steps as above.

NOTE! If you are upgrading from version 1.1 or 1.2 PLEASE NOTE: The seedmanager.conf has changed significantly. The easiest way to fix any issues is to rename your old seedmanager.conf (do: mv /opt/ifmi/seedmanager.conf /opt/ifmi/seedmanager.conf.old), then visit the settings page and let SeedManager create a new one.

Sudoers Note: SeedManager installation attempts to modify /etc/sudoers to allow the web service to stop/start the miner application, modify files, and boot the machine, all as a specified user. This works on BAMT and most other distros. YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO EDIT SUDOERS 99% OF THE TIME. DONT DO IT UNLESS THINGS ARE BROKEN. IF THE INSTALLER FAILS you will need to modify sudoers yourself with the following:

apacheuser ALL=(root)NOPASSWD: /opt/ifmi/smcontrol
Defaults:www-data rootpw
apacheuser ALL=(root)/bin/cp

Where apacheuser is the user that your web service runs as.

If you wish to remove SeedManager, you can run the remove-pm.sh script in the same directory you ran install-pm.sh

EMAIL NOTES: You wont be able to use a non SSL/TLS configuration unless you install a local mail server. BAMT comes with no proper MTA, just 'esmtp' which is an outbound only SMTP connector to a real mail server (like Gmail). BAMT and true clones have the necessary modules to use this with a TLS connection, but NOT plain SSL. Gmail works with port 587 and TLS.


Q1: I cant get to my miner page anymore!

A1: SeedManager changes your Apache configuration to use https, which is on port 443, not port 80. Please make sure you have port 443 open on any firewalls or routers between you and your miner.

Q2: How can I see my miner page remotely?

A2: In general, you will either have to allow access to your miner from the internet. The specifics will depend on your setup and needs, and are beyond the scope of this document.

Q3: My graphs are messed up after updating.

A3: Press 'Clear All Graphs' on the settings page. It will take about five minutes for the graphs to start redrawing.

Q4: How do I disable the default page password? I dont want it anymore.

A4: Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl and comment out "Require valid-user", near the top. Then do 'apachectl restart'.

Q5: Why doesnt SeedManager let me: save a pool as X priority/switch to a dead pool/save priority list on restart?

A5: SeedManager only mirrors what cgminer can do, via the API, these are things that cgminer doesnt do, and are non-trivial to implement yet. As development progresses in some other areas, some of this may be easier, and I will add it.

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