A web application game where a user pops bubbles that appear randomly on the page within a limited time span.
Created by John Mutavi , Shadrack Ndolo, Mary Ng'ang'a and Carol Wanjohi
Bubble Blaster is a game where when a user clicks the play button bubbles are generated randomly across the page. They then have to pop as many bubbles as they can within a limited time span. This is accomplished when the user clicks the bubbles. After the set time is over their score is displayed.
Behaviour | Input | Output |
Press play to open game console | Press play | Navigate to play console page |
Start the game | Press start | Bubbles appear on the page |
Countdown | Starts after pressing start | A timer that displays the amount of time left until game over |
Display results | Timer running out / Game over | Score : 30 |
Refresh the game | Press the resfresh link | Gaming area is reloaded |
- Click Bubble Blaster
or - Copy https://jonnygovish.github.io/Bubble-Blaster-Game to your browser and load it.
- Not compatible with mobile devices
- Some bubbles appear as incomplete
- Score counter is not 100% accurate
MIT ©2017 John Mutavi , Shadrack Ndolo, Mary Ng'ang'a and Carol Wanjohi