
A Lua Telegram bot API.

Primary LanguageLua


A Lua Telegram bot API.


Download telegram-api.lua and put inside project folder

On the first line of project: telegram_bot_api = require 'telegram-api.lua'

You can also install using luarocks by executing the command `luarocks install lua-telegram-api


See Telegram Bot API documentation


Telegram Commands

  • getMe [x]
  • sendMessage [x]
  • forwardMessage [x]
  • sendPhoto
  • sendAudio
  • sendDocument
  • sendSticker [x]
  • sendVideo
  • sendLocation
  • sendVenue
  • sendContact
  • sendChatAction
  • getUserProfilePhotos
  • getFile
  • kickChatMember
  • leaveChat
  • unbanChatMember
  • getChat
  • getChatAdministrators
  • getChatMembersCount
  • getChatMember
  • answerCallbackQuery
  • editMessageText
  • editMessageCaption
  • editMessageReplyMarkup

Additional Features

  • add function to create commands to answer [x]
  • getUpdates handler [x]
  • setWebhook handler