Visualizations of the connections between chaos theory and fractals through the logistic map; made for Veritasium YouTube video
Pinned issues
- 0
How can I get rulers?
#54 opened by 4Dlikeit - 5
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'
#52 opened by davecotter - 1
extra space needed in documentation
#53 opened by Gdekerpel - 1
- 0
Length mismatch
#50 opened by rishavSarkar14 - 0
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#49 opened by pravin1707 - 6
- 3
Rendering problem with all Py scripts
#22 opened by craiganderson-53546 - 1
Numba 0.49
#21 opened by stanbinev - 1
Issue with logistic interactive
#17 opened by Jawachan - 1
Feature request
#10 opened by PatrickSmith-GitHub - 4
Error running Mandelbrot and Zoom
#27 opened by alxw4433 - 1
- 1
- 2
syntax error:PyQT
#34 opened by cbwarren - 2
I just get a black screen.
#35 opened by qomiter - 4
#36 opened by wi-wi - 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 2
Error: AttributeError: vispy.visuals.volume has no attribute FRAG_SHADER on line 446 in
#47 opened by ya-sh-vardh-an - 3
- 3
Problem running python
#39 opened by somera - 0
drop_box folder is not defined
#41 opened by AnonRZZGH - 1
Logistic_interactive max
#40 opened by Aidanly21 - 0
Render quality in mandelbrot
#37 opened by Shlok-Ippala - 0
SyntaxError message
#29 opened by AnastaRa - 1
While downloading Vispy, This occured
#26 opened by SaswotLamichhane - 1
Logistic Mandelbrot
#28 opened by NevoDessau - 2
- 4
- 1
3D Mandelbrot Set changes my mind
#16 opened by randomwangran - 2 unselecting all plots and reselecting any creates an empty plot
#23 opened by paigeweber13 - 3
syntax error?
#9 opened by moloff - 2
Length mismatch
#18 opened by Rousan99 - 2
- 1
denies permission
#14 opened by seluppna - 0
Difference between these images...
#15 opened by scruffynerf - 1
VisPy Mandelbrot Resolution
#20 opened by nautis - 3
Segmentation Faults
#3 opened by raveenb - 1
code_generator/extracts.c:20:10: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
#13 opened by derrend - 2 Crashes Due to Vispy
#12 opened by redbear44 - 1
- 5
Animation Stuck at T=100
#4 opened by PAla46 - 3
#6 opened by Some-Loser - 1
- 7
The 3-d mandelbrot set is very blurry
#2 opened by Cliche1998