
This cod will download all relevant data from robinhood.com and dividend.com for dividend investors.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Dividend Growth Investment Data

Dividend growth investing has been around for ages and has always been a widely appreciated way of receiving passive income. As with any other investment, an elaborated decision needs to be made which stocks to pick. Also as with any other investment: the higher the risk, the higher the potential reward. This dataset should support the decision for a portfolio selection driven by data.

The notebook will download all relevant data from robinhood.com and dividend.com for dividend investors.
The idea is to calculate a most realistic risk/reward score.

Use the Data

The dataset is stored in both, instruments.p and instruments.json. The pickle file is a pandas DataFrame object. The benefit of the pickle file is, that the data is already classified properly. Load it with pandas.read_pickle('instruments.p')
It can be merged with any other financial data set based on the symbol.


The approach is to download everything from robinhood.com, filter for only tradable stocks that pay dividend, then add their fundamental data, add ratings that robinhood.com offer (including the text for a rating itself), add popularity (basically how often this stock is in portfolios of robinhood users and add news that are displayed on robinhood.com. Lastly go through each stock symbol and look for a corresponding page on dividend.com. It turns out that only 7% of the robinhood dividend paying stocks can be found on dividend.com.


If you load a pandas DataFrame with pandas.read_pickle('instruments.p'), you get the following columns:

Column Name dtype Description Example
symbol object Unique symbol name as received from robinhood STM
name object Long name STMicroelectronics N.V.
simple_name object Short Name Stmicroelectronics
ceo object CEO Carlo Bozotti
description object Description STMicroelectronics NV designs, develops, manufactures and markets products, which offers discrete and standard commodity components, application-specific integrated circuits, full custom devices and semi-custom devices for analog...
id object Unique identifier on robinhood 67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d
instrument object API URL to robinhood for this instrument https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/
instrument_id object Unique identifier on robinhood 67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d
bloomberg_unique object Unique identifier on bloomberg EQ0015391600001003
fundamentals object API URL to robinhood to fundamentals of this instrument https://api.robinhood.com/fundamentals/STM/
splits object API URL to robinhood to splits of this instrument https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/splits/
quote object API URL to robinhood to quotes of this instrument https://api.robinhood.com/quotes/STM/
url object API URL to robinhood for this instrument https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/
country category Listed country for instrument CH
state category Active or passive on robinhood active
headquarters_state category State of Headquarters Geneve (Geneva)
headquarters_city category City of Headquarters Plan-Les-Ouates
market category API URL to robinhood to market of this instrument https://api.robinhood.com/markets/XNYS/
exchange category Exchange on which this instrument is listed on NYSE
sector category Sector Electronic Technology
industry category Industry Semiconductor - Broad Line
type category Type of instrument nyrs
tradability category Tradability on robinhood (should always be tradable) tradable
tradeable category Tradability on robinhood (should always be true) True
price float64 Price at time of download 20.96
open float64 Open price at time of download 21.65
high float64 Highest price of day at time of download 21.74
low float64 Lowest price of day at time of download 20.89
high_52_weeks float64 Highest price within last 52 weeks 25.3
low_52_weeks float64 Lowest price within last 52 weeks 14.07
percent_off_52_week_high float64 Percentual difference to 52 weeks high -17.15
volume float64 Trade volume at time of download 1827183.0
average_volume float64 Average volume at time of download 3869267.0797
average_volume_2_weeks float64 Average volume for last two weeks at time of download 2478449.0
dividend_yield float64 Percentual dividend yield from robinhood.com 0.9341
div_yield float64 Percentual dividend yield from dividend.com 0.97
div_growth float64 Amount of years in which dividends grew 1.0
annual_payout float64 Absolute dividend payouts withing last year 0.2
payout_ratio float64 Payout ratio 15.2
num_employees float64 Number of employees 45468.0
year_founded float64 Year in which the fund was founded 1987.0
shares_outstanding float64 Number of outstanding shares 896590286.0
market_cap float64 Market capitalization 19276691100.0
num_buy_ratings float64 Absolute numnber of buy ratings on robinhood.com 12.0
num_hold_ratings float64 Absolute number of hold ratings on robinhood.com 10.0
num_sell_ratings float64 Absolute number of sell ratings on robinhood.com 4.0
percent_buy_ratings float64 Percentage of all buy ratings (num_buy_ratings/(num_hold_ratings+num_sell_ratings)) 0.46153846153846156
percent_sell_ratings float64 Percentage of all sell ratings (num_sell_ratings/(num_hold_ratings+num_buy_ratings)) 0.15384615384615385
num_open_positions int64 Amount of accounts on robinhood.com that hold this position 5562
day_trade_ratio float64 Day trade ratio 0.25
maintenance_ratio float64 Mainenance ratio 0.25
margin_initial_ratio float64 Margin initial ratio 0.5
pe_ratio float64 PE ratio 22.349
min_tick_size float64 Minimum tick size nan
list_date datetime64[ns] List Date 1994-12-07 00:00:00
recent_pay_date datetime64[ns] Date of recent or closest dividend pay date 2018-03-27 00:00:00
news object Struct: This is a list object. It contains a list of all news that were found on robinhood.com [{'api_source': 'yahoo_finance', 'author': '', 'instrument': 'https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/', 'num_clicks': 8, 'preview_image_url': 'https://robinhood-prism-storage.s3.amazonaws.com/feed-images/28c95f29-1528-4b82-90a9-c89551709712', 'preview_image_width': 635, 'preview_image_height': 423, 'published_at': '2018-04-23T20:14:00Z', 'relay_url': 'https://news.robinhood.com/a26ec160-c0d9-3c34-bb0b-3934505561e7/', 'source': 'Yahoo Finance', 'summary': 'Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd TSM hit the entire technology industry hard after the company reported Q1 results on Apr 19 before market open.', 'title': '4 ETF Areas Under Watch on Waning Smartphone Demand', 'updated_at': '2018-04-23T21:34:59.894886Z', 'url': 'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/4-etf-areas-under-watch-184506323.html', 'uuid': 'a26ec160-c0d9-3c34-bb0b-3934505561e7', 'currency_id': 'None'}, {'api_source': 'seeking_alpha', 'author': '', 'instrument': 'https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/', 'num_clicks': 41, 'preview_image_url': '', 'preview_image_width': None, 'preview_image_height': None, 'published_at': '2018-04-23T18:59:00Z', 'relay_url': 'https://news.robinhood.com/4d2f466e-131d-3c6b-af13-4b14e689c65b/', 'source': 'Seeking Alpha', 'summary': 'A system such as this one can be a valuable tool to make smart investing decisions by focusing on hard quantified data as opposed to subjective opinions.', 'title': 'By The Numbers: Value And Quality Stocks In Technology', 'updated_at': '2018-04-23T19:34:55.156456Z', 'url': 'https://seekingalpha.com/article/4164921-numbers-value-quality-stocks-technology', 'uuid': '4d2f466e-131d-3c6b-af13-4b14e689c65b', 'currency_id': 'None'}, {'api_source': 'marketwatch', 'author': '', 'instrument': 'https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/', 'num_clicks': 279, 'preview_image_url': 'https://robinhood-prism-storage.s3.amazonaws.com/feed-images/a99fe583-cedd-4bf0-8466-5cb31b7128f1', 'preview_image_width': 1320, 'preview_image_height': 742, 'published_at': '2018-04-03T09:44:00Z', 'relay_url': 'https://news.robinhood.com/e475fea2-767e-3a33-b3dc-d6a7883c4c98/', 'source': 'MarketWatch', 'summary': 'Worries about global trade war, tech weakness persist into second quarter\n\nEuropean stocks were losing ground Tuesday, beginning the second quarter of 2018 dogged by the same technology-sector and trade-war worries that hurt equity markets during the first quarter.\n\nThe moves were tracking a selloff ......', 'title': 'European stocks slump, as techs follow U.S. lead lower', 'updated_at': '2018-04-03T13:34:22.470578Z', 'url': 'https://www.marketwatch.com/story/european-stocks-slump-as-techs-follow-us-lead-lower-2018-04-03', 'uuid': 'e475fea2-767e-3a33-b3dc-d6a7883c4c98', 'currency_id': 'None'}, {'api_source': 'seeking_alpha', 'author': '', 'instrument': 'https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/', 'num_clicks': 106, 'preview_image_url': '', 'preview_image_width': None, 'preview_image_height': None, 'published_at': '2018-04-02T19:17:00Z', 'relay_url': 'https://news.robinhood.com/320cc6aa-eefd-3860-8670-6d7e28437180/', 'source': 'Seeking Alpha', 'summary': 'Thus, new shares are not a commitment to success; they are a commitment by Microvision against current shareholders.\n\nThis article discusses whether there is a reason or need for Microvision (MVIS) shareholders to approve the proposal for the authorization of 50 million new shares at the upcoming ......', 'title': "Microvision's Annual Shareholder Meeting: Authorization For 50 Million New Shares Is Not In Shareholders' Interest", 'updated_at': '2018-04-05T00:36:19.396795Z', 'url': 'https://seekingalpha.com/article/4160601-microvisions-annual-shareholder-meeting-authorization-50-million-new-shares-shareholders', 'uuid': '320cc6aa-eefd-3860-8670-6d7e28437180', 'currency_id': 'None'}, {'api_source': 'marketwatch', 'author': '', 'instrument': 'https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/67d7bb04-8c2e-4338-b72a-18857809ec8d/', 'num_clicks': 287, 'preview_image_url': 'https://robinhood-prism-storage.s3.amazonaws.com/feed-images/b78da218-8799-4d0a-a3ae-05b10426c39a', 'preview_image_width': 1320, 'preview_image_height': 742, 'published_at': '2018-03-28T09:35:00Z', 'relay_url': 'https://news.robinhood.com/3092d15f-03b6-3811-ae3d-a003dbed9474/', 'source': 'MarketWatch', 'summary': 'European tech stocks index down the most since early February\n\nEuropean equities took a sharp hit on Wednesday, with chip stocks losing the most in a tech-driven selloff that also left U.S. stocks in the red in the previous session.\n\nHow markets are moving\n\nThe Stoxx Europe 600 index SXXP, -1.15% ......', 'title': 'European stocks slide more than 1% as tech stocks are hit hard ', 'updated_at': '2018-03-28T13:34:52.297330Z', 'url': 'https://www.marketwatch.com/story/european-stocks-slide-more-than-1-as-tech-stocks-are-hit-hard-2018-03-28', 'uuid': '3092d15f-03b6-3811-ae3d-a003dbed9474', 'currency_id': 'None'}]
recent_payment timedelta64[ns] Difference in days from recent_pay_date to data of download (positive days means pay date is in the future, negative means it is in the past) -28 days +00:00:00
ratings object Struct: This is a list object. It contains a list of all ratings that were found on robinhood.com [{'type': 'buy', 'text': 'Chipmakers with heavy automotive exposure, like ST, should profit from the secular trend toward more advanced electronics content in cars over the next few years.'}, {'type': 'sell', 'text': 'Despite being one of the largest chipmakers (by revenue) in the world, ST has not developed a massive scale advantage, as its gross margins and operating profits are below those of other successful pure-play analog chipmakers.'}, {'type': 'buy', 'text': 'ST has made some tough decisions, such as discontinuing the future development of certain digital chip products, but we think these moves will lead to improved profitability for all of ST.'}, {'type': 'sell', 'text': 'ST does not have a strong record of generating excess returns on capital, although it is on pace to significantly improve on this metric.'}, {'type': 'sell', 'text': 'We are concerned about ST’s ownership by the French and Italian governments, which raises doubts as to whether it is truly focused on operating efficiency.'}, {'type': 'buy', 'text': 'ST made some good moves to shed lower-margin businesses, like the ST-Ericsson wireless joint venture and stakes in two low-margin memory chipmakers, in recent years.'}]
payout_history object Struct: This is a DataFrame object. It contains a DataFrame of all payouts that were found on dividend.com Payout Amount Declared Date Ex-Dividend Date Record Date Pay Date ▼
0 0.0510 NaT 2018-03-19 2018-03-20 2018-03-27