Marmosad Backend

This project was generated using Typescript along with Node.

Getting Started

For this project, you only need to install Node to keep the node_modules folder updated with npm.

Postman may also be useful for API testing.

We suggest using Vscode or Webstorm as your IDE.

Development server

To run in development, use

npm start

To test, use

npm test

Production server

To run in production, use

npm start-prod

To test, use

npm test-prod


To run the front end with the back end, run

ng build

on the front end.

The backend should be run in development.

Signficant modules


Please read for details on our style guide, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Our dependencies are listed in package.json.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details