
I'll add themes and actions here for LaunchBar, occasionally.

LaunchBar Themes

Dark and Light themes for LaunchBar

macOS Theme Light

Inline Item List subtitles macOS Theme Dark

There's a few different sizes for each theme, S, M, L, and XL.

Dark theme, XL
LaunchBar Dark XL theme

Light theme, small
LaunchBar Dark Small theme

I've also included [launchbar-theme-values.pdf](https://github.com/jonohunt/LaunchBar-Themes-Actions/blob/main/README.md) listing names, colours, etc. of the different parts of the UI to help others theming LaunchBar.

I can't remember exactly who shared this (Manfred?). It was just after the release of LaunchBar 6, and was meant as a temporary guide until Objective Development released an 'official guide' (which never happened).