git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
Create symlinks:
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vim/ ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
The vim
directory is where vim will look for configuration options. Vim usually
looks for a .vim
directory in the $HOME directory, so we create a symlink from
to point to the vim
directory that is within the ~/.dotfiles/
directory. Similar logic applies to the .vimrc
and .gvimrc
The structure of the vim
directory as of Tue Oct 23, 2012, is as follows:
/bin/bash: t2: command not found
The purpose of the autoload directory is to automatically load the vim plugin Pathogen, which we'll then use to load all other plugins that are located in the bundle directory. So download pathogen and put it in your autoload folder.
You'll need to add the following to your ~/.vimrc so that pathogen will be loaded properly. Filetype detection must be off when you run the commands so its best to execute them first:
filetype off call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() call pathogen#helptags()