
Plotting Assignment 1 for Exploratory Data Analysis

Primary LanguageR

Creating the plots

Hello, reviewers! Here's how the code in this repository works.

  1. Download the Electric power consumption dataset, and unzip it.
  2. Move the file called household_power_consumption.txt into this Git checkout directory.
  3. Rather than trying to load such a large file into memory all at once in R, I wrote a very small Python script that filters the full dataset down to just the two days 01/02/2007 and 02/02/2007. To run this script (assuming you have Python installed), do python reduce_dataset.py.
  4. In case you don't have Python installed, I also included the resulting output file ("just_two_days.txt") in this repository. The rest of my scripts depend on having it available.
  5. The scripts plot1.R, plot2.R, plot3.R, and plot4.R generate the four chars. To run them all, simply start R and then do:





source('plot4.R') `