
An Arduino library for use with the Holtek HT16K33 16x8 LED Driver

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

HT16K33 Library for Arduino

This is a quick and dirty library providing a relatively easy-to-use interface for driving the Holtek HT16K33 16×8 LED driver IC. I wrote it for a project I was working on, and thought it worth chucking up onto Github in case anyone else finds it useful.


This library should be reasonably self-explanatory, and I’ve provided a few example sketches to get you started:

  • DemoReel is your standard ‘smily faces and random animation’ thing that most matrix libraries tend to come with
  • OrientationDemo demonstrates the library’s ability to quickly + easily flip the display vertically + horizontally in software with a minimum of fuss and bother
  • ReversalDemo demonstrates how you can recover from connecting your matrices backward =)

The API commands are, in no particular order:

init(uint8_t i2c_addr)
specifies the I2C address of the IC
setBrightness(uint8_t b)
sets the brightness of the display (0–15)
sets the blink rate of the display (see note below)
resets the orientation of the display to the defaults
reverses the order of the two 8×8 sub-matrices (again, see note below)
flips the matrix data vertically before writing to the IC
flips the matrix data horizontally before writing to the IC
clears the matrix completely†
setPixel(uint8_t row, uint8_t col, uint8_t onoff)
sets the state of a single pixel. onoff should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on)†
setRow(uint8_t row, uint16_t value)
sets the content of an entire row (16 bits)†
setColumn(uint8_t col, uint8_t value)
sets the content of an entire column (8 bits)†
drawSprite16(Sprite16 data)
draws the Sprite16 onto the matrix at point (0, 0) (see below)†
drawSprite16(Sprite16 data, uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
as above, but at point (x, y)†
writes the display buffer to the IC (updates the display)

† note: none of these will write anything to the IC—you will still need to call write().

About Sprite16

Sprite16 is a class based on the venerable Sprite library, but which has been built to allow a maximum sprite size of 16×8, compared to 8×8 in the original.

In terms of creating sprites, Sprite16 is virtually identical to the original:

Sprite16 smile = Sprite16( 5, 5, 10, 10, 0, 17, 14 );

However, one major difference is that Sprite16 does not implement either the read() or write() methods present
in the original, as it is unneeded for the purposes of this library.

Blink Rates

For various reasons, blink rates are #define-d as a set of constants:

disable blinking (default)
set blink rate to 1Hz
set blink rate to 2Hz
set blink rate to 0.5Hz

Matrix reversal

This only really makes sense if you’re using a 16×8 matrix made of two discrete 8×8 matrixes. If you’re rolling it yourself or using a single 16×8, you may as well ignore this section.

This library assumes that, if you’re using two 8×8 matrixes, you’ve wired them correctly with ROW0 on the left-hand edge of the left-most matrix, and ROW15 on the right-most edge, thus:

 0      7 8     15
|        |        |
|        |        |
|        |        |

However, just occasionally your concentration will slip and you’ll end up with something like this:

 8     15 0      7
|        |        |
|        |        |
|        |        |

Rather than having to rewire everything/rework your PCBs, you can just call reverse(), and the library will cover for you…

(no, this didn’t happen to me. I don’t know why you would think that /s)


It’d be really nice if this library supported the HT16K33’s keyscan functionality…


As mentioned at the start, I wrote this library for fun and to scratch a particular itch. I’m offering it to the world Because™, but I make no guarantee that it’s going to work 100% perfectly every time. By the same token, I’m not going to offer any kind of guarantee that I’ll touch this repo once I’ve made my first commit :)

All of this means that while you’re free to use/modify/etc everything here with/without attribution, you do so at your own risk and I am not responsible for what you get up to: if it breaks/catches fire/gains sentience and steals your cat, that’s all on you =)
(although I will accept sensible PRs if you find any particularly egregious issues…)

That said, if you do do something particularly Nifty™ with this library, I’ve love to hear from you—I’m on Twitter @jonpearse

Share and enjoy!