
Sample app demonstrating AngularJS features

Primary LanguageCSS

angular-quiz-app — Sample Quiz App

Sample App demonstrating AngularJS concepts & features

The project's skeleton was cloned originally from angular-seed repo for quicker file setup.

Directory Layout (Almost identical to angular-seed project setup)

app/                --> all of the files to be used in production
  css/              --> css files
    app.css         --> default stylesheet
  img/              --> image files
  index.html        --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
  js/               --> javascript files
    app.js          --> application
    controllers.js  --> application controllers
    directives.js   --> application directives
    filters.js      --> custom angular filters
    services.js     --> custom angular services
  lib/              --> angular and 3rd party javascript libraries
      angular.js        --> the latest angular js
      angular.min.js    --> the latest minified angular js
      angular-*.js      --> angular add-on modules
      version.txt       --> version number
  templates/             --> html templates

config/testacular.conf.js        --> config file for running unit tests with Testacular
config/testacular-e2e.conf.js    --> config file for running e2e tests with Testacular

scripts/            --> handy shell/js/ruby scripts
  e2e-test.sh       --> runs end-to-end tests with Testacular (*nix)
  e2e-test.bat      --> runs end-to-end tests with Testacular (windows)
  test.bat          --> autotests unit tests with Testacular (windows)
  test.sh           --> autotests unit tests with Testacular (*nix)
  web-server.js     --> simple development webserver based on node.js

test/               --> test source files and libraries
  e2e/              -->
    runner.html     --> end-to-end test runner (open in your browser to run)
    scenarios.js    --> end-to-end specs
    angular/                --> angular testing libraries
      angular-mocks.js      --> mocks that replace certain angular services in tests
      angular-scenario.js   --> angular's scenario (end-to-end) test runner library
      version.txt           --> version file
  unit/                     --> unit level specs/tests
    controllersSpec.js      --> specs for controllers
    directivessSpec.js      --> specs for directives
    filtersSpec.js          --> specs for filters
    servicesSpec.js         --> specs for services