
A simple Ionic Todo app with a PouchDb local storage backend configured to sync with a CouchDb installation. Demo of offline functionality with server synchronization.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple Ionic Todo app with a PouchDb local storage backend configured to sync with a CouchDb installation. Demo of offline functionality with server synchronization.

You can watch me demo building the app at FITC Spotlight: AngularJS in Toronto.

This repository has multiple releases you can download or tags you can checkout to see the incremental building of the application.


I've included the most current version of Ionic (1.0.0-beta.6) and PouchDb (2.2.3) as of this check-in. This will enable running locally the app in a browser without needing node to install cordova, ionic, or gulp

Run the App

All of the necessary javascript files are in the repo for simplicities sake. You can cd into the www directory and run

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

You can then just open http://localhost:8000/index.html in a browser.

Personally I use WebStorm which has a built in server. From a JetBrains product, you can select "View...", "Open in Browser" on index.html.

The final version of this demo requires you to download and install CouchDb, which runs on port 5984.

iOS version

However, to run this as a mobile application in iOS emulator, do the following to setup :

$ cd ionic-pouchdb-todo
$ sudo npm install -g cordova ionic gulp

To run in the iPhone Simulator:

ionic platform add ios
ionic build ios
ionic emulate ios

Building Out & Updating Ionic or PouchDb

To continue working on this repository, adding tests, using SASS, you can

$ npm install
$ gulp install

To update to a new version of Ionic, open bower.json and change the version listed there.

For example, to update from version 1.0.0-beta.6 to 1.0.0-beta.7, open bower.json and change this:

"ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0-beta.6"

To this:

"ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0-beta.7"

After saving the update to bower.json file, run gulp install.

Alternatively, install bower globally with npm install -g bower and run bower install.