
Laravel 5 File Generators with config and publishable stubs

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Laravel 5 File Generators

Laravel 5.1, use tag 2.1.3, Laravel 5.2, use tag 3+, Laravel 5.3, use tag 3+ Laravel 5.4, use branch 4

Custom Laravel 5 File Generators with a config file and publishable stubs. You can add new stubs in the config. This package can be used by anyone, but keep in mind that it is optimized for my personal workflow. Please let me know about any issues or new features you would like to have. Tag 3+ uses Admin LTE stubs.

###Interested in a starter project where the current stubs are being used. ###Starter Project


php artisan generate:publish-stubs
php artisan generate:model
php artisan generate:view
php artisan generate:controller
php artisan generate:migration
php artisan generate:migration:pivot
php artisan generate:seed
php artisan generate:resource
php artisan generate:notification
php artisan generate:file

Option for all the commands

--force This will overide the existing file, if it exist.

Option for all the commands, except views and migration:pivot

--plain This will use the .plain stub of the command (generate an empty controller)


This is for all except the migration and migration:pivot commands

php artisan generate:file foo.bar --type=controller
php artisan generate:view foo.bar --stub=view_show --name=baz_show
php artisan generate:file foo.bar --type=controller --stub=controller_custom --name=BazzzController --plain --force

You can specify a custom name of the file to be generated. You can add the --plain or --force options. You can override the default stub to be used. You can create your own stubs with the available placeholders. You can create new settings' types, for example:

  • 'exception' => ['namespace' => '\Exceptions', 'path' => './app/Exceptions/', 'postfix' => 'Exception'],

Available placeholders

Views Custom Stubs

php artisan generate:view posts
php artisan generate:view admin.posts --stub=custom
php artisan generate:view admin.posts --stub=another_file


Update your project's composer.json file.

composer require bpocallaghan/generators --dev

App the Service Provider You'll only want to use these generators for local development, add the provider in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:

public function register()
	if ($this->app->environment() == 'local') {

Run php artisan command to see the new commands in the generate:* section



php artisan generate:model bar
php artisan generate:model foo.bar --plain
php artisan generate:model bar --force
php artisan generate:model bar --migration --schema="title:string, body:text"


php artisan generate:view foo
php artisan generate:view foo.bar
php artisan generate:view foo.bar --stub=view_show
php artisan generate:view foo.bar --name=foo_bar


php artisan generate:controller foo
php artisan generate:controller foo.bar
php artisan generate:controller fooBar
php artisan generate:controller bar --plain
php artisan generate:controller BarController --plain
  • The Controller postfix will be added if needed.


This is the same as Jeffrey Way's

php artisan generate:migration create_users_table
php artisan generate:migration create_users_table --plain
php artisan generate:migration create_users_table --force
php artisan generate:migration create_posts_table --schema="title:string, body:text, slug:string:unique, published_at:date"

Pivot Tables

This is the same as Jeffrey Way's

php artisan generate:migration:pivot tags posts

Database Seeders

php artisan generate:seed bar
php artisan generate:seed BarTableSeeder
  • The TableSeeder will be added if needed.


php artisan generate:resource bar
php artisan generate:resource foo.bar
php artisan generate:resource foo.bar_baz
php artisan generate:resource bar --schema="title:string, body:text, slug:string:unique, published_at:date"
  • This will generate a Bar model, BarsController, resources views (in config), create_bars_table migration, BarTableSeeder
  • In the config there is a resource_views array, you can specify the views that you want to generate there, just make sure the stub exist.


php artisan generate:notification UserRegistered

This will generate a UserRegistered notification. Laravel provides support for sending notifications across a variety of delivery channels, including mail, SMS (via Nexmo), and Slack. Notifications may also be stored in a database so they may be displayed in your web interface.


php artisan generate:publish-stubs

This will copy the config file to /config/generators.php. Here you can change the defaults for the settings of each type, like model, view, controller, seed. You can also change the namespace, path where to create the file, the pre/post fix, and more. You can also add new stubs.

This will also copy all the stubs to /resources/stubs/. Here you can make changes to the current stubs, add your own boilerplate / comments to the files. You can also add your own stubs here.


This is the base command for the view, model, controller, seed commands. The migration and migration:pivot uses Jeffrey's classes. In the config there is a settings array, this is the 'types' and their settings. You can add more, for example, if you use repositories, you can add it here.

php artisan generate:file foo.bar --type=view
php artisan generate:file foo.bar --type=controller
php artisan generate:file foo.bar --type=model
php artisan generate:file foo.bar --type=model --stub=model_custom


art=php artisan
model=php artisan generate:model
view=php artisan generate:view
view:index=php artisan generate:view:index
view:add_edit=php artisan generate:view:add_edit
view:show=php artisan generate:view:show
controller=php artisan generate:controller
migration=php artisan generate:migration
migration:pivot=php artisan generate:migration:pivot
seed=php artisan generate:seed
resource=php artisan generate:resource

Thank you


  • Provide an example

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