Fake Latin
Fake Latin is a web component for generating placeholder latin text (e.g. "Lorem ipsum..."). It uses the Polymer library. It can be used to generate small fragments of text or entire psuedo-structured articles.
I originally wrote the component as a simple project to experiment with Polymer, but hopefully it may prove useful to others for rapid prototyping.
Install using Bower:
bower install --save jonrimmer/fake-latin-component
To use the component, import fake-latin.html.
<link ref="import" href="bower_components/fake-latin.html">
To get some generated text, just drop a <fake-latin>
element into your HTML wherever you want it.
This will add a single sentence of randomly generated latin, giving you something like:
<span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</span>
If you want more than one sentence, you can use the repeat
<span><fake-latin repeat="3"></fake-latin></span>
Which will produce something like:
<span>Ardentior ambitae animalibus terrarum. Quem onus pugnabant siccis. Imagine homo sive terra caesa
obliquis, fuerant flexi obsistitur animalibus supplex exemit obstabatque corpore mare animalibus origine
militis illas duas.</span>
You can use the type
attribute with a value of p
or paragraph
to generate a random paragraph of latin, contained in a <p>
<fake-latin type="paragraph"></fake-latin>
<fake-latin type="p"></fake-latin>
Which will produce something like:
<p>Inclusum lapidosos quae duris onus deducite, regat cognati habendum totidemque. Proximus matutinis
parte invasit iners inminet mutatas seductaque nullus solum nullaque secant super astra pluvialibus.
Vindice suis onerosior dixere ventos erat. Septemque dextra. Caelo terrenae, margine nondum oppida
mutastis fidem formaeque fulminibus nabataeaque tanta</p>
The repeat
attribute can be used to produce multiple paragraphs.
Unordered Lists
You can use the type
attribute with a value of list
, unordered list
or ul
to generate a randomly sized list:
<fake-latin type="list"></fake-latin>
Which will get you something like this:
<li>Dominari quicquam inmensa deerat mundi</li>
<li>Fert triones temperiemque adspirate partim matutinis, dei induit terrarum undae animus dedit os</li>
<li>Habitandae pugnabant quin coeperunt cuncta caecoque recessit turba invasit eodem bracchia</li>
<li>Pace illis, fabricator diversa librata</li>
<li>His indigestaque</li>
The repeat
attribute can be used to produce multiple unordered lists.
Ordered Lists
Similarly, you can use the type
attribute with a value of ordered list
or ol
to create an ordered list:
<fake-latin type="ol"></fake-latin>
Which will produce something like this:
<li>Homini ligavit quicquam</li>
<li>Peragebant, iunctarum traxit</li>
<li>Dispositam nullo margine utque illic tumescere, mentisque totidem ventos totidemque</li>
<li>Vis iudicis pinus aere turba</li>
List Item Type
If required, you can control the content of list items with the list-item-type
attribute. A value of p
or paragraph
will produce a <p>
element containing a few sentences of latin, exactly as if you had a <fake-latin type="paragraph"></fake-latin>
element in there.
Any other value, or if the attribute is not specified, will default to a single sentence.
You can use the type
attribute with a value of heading
or h1
to generate an <h1>
element containing header-capitalised random text. Other heading sizes up to h4
are also supported.
You can use the type
attribute with a value of article
to generate an <article>
element containing a large body of text. The generated text will begin with an <h1>
element, and will continue with a random number of paragraphs. <h2>
subheadings will be added every mod(3) paragraphs, and <h3>
subheadings every mod(5) paragraphs.
Size Control
If necessary, the size of the generated content can be contolled via the sentence-size
, paragraph-size
, list-size
, heading-size
and article-size
attributes. These attributes accept values in three forms:
E.g. sentence-size="10"
This will specify a fixed size value.
E.g. paragraph-size="5,15"
This will produce a random size that is uniformly distributed between the minimum and maximum values.
E.g. list-size="n8,2"
This will produce a random size this is approximately normally distributed with the supplied mean and standard deviation.
The default sizes of each type is as follows:
- Sentences:
- Pararaphs:
- Lists:
- Headings:
- Articles:
The repeat
attribute is used to repeat the output of the element some number of times. It accepts the same syntax as the other size control attributes.
E.g. repeat="5"
, repeat="6,12"
or repeat="n9,3"
By default, the contents of the <fake-latin>
element are created in shadow DOM, which stops them cluttering up your DOM tree and interacting with scripts. Sometimes though, you might want that, in which case you can set the unshadowed
boolean attribute on your element. The various <p>
, <ul>
, etc. elements will then be regular children of the <fake-latin>
<fake-latin type="paragraph" unshadowed></fake-latin>
JavaScript API
The component provides an imperative way to generate latin text via the getGenerator
function. Check the Generator function prototype in the source for more information about what the object returned by this function supports.
var fl = document.createElement('fake-latin');
var g = fl.getGenerator();
var p = g.getParagraph(); // Returns a paragraph node containing generated text.
var s = g.getSentenceText(); // Returns a string containing generated text.
- If you keep a reference to the generator, it will not update to reflect any changes made to the component's attributes. You should acquire an updated generator by re-calling the
function. - Updates to the element's content triggered by attribute changes are debounced with a 50ms delay. However, the generator returned by
will always reflect the most up-to-date attribute values.
The list of latin words and some implementation ideas are courtesy of Fredrik Bridell's Lorem Ipsum Generator (CC-BY). The Gaussian function is courtesy of Vincenzo Liberatore.
The component is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.