
Prank Extension for Google Chrome Browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Real Time Remote Control Browser Haunting From Your Phone

Coming Summer 2016

Official Website: OfficePoltergeist.net

Chrome Extension Store: Coming Soon

Mobile App: Coming Soon


  • Effortless install / removal as a Chrome Extension
  • Simple haunting control, right from your mobile phone
  • Cross platform: works with Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Open Source: you're looking at the code repo
  • Blur and rotate webpages / images
  • Change words to other words: "Trump" becomes "Drumpf"
  • Change brightness, colors
  • Images spin, change hue
  • All videos Rickroll
  • 18 robot voices
  • Transmit spooky sounds
  • Total Fartscroll control
  • ALL CAPS Mode
  • Loud key clicks
  • ... and more!


Remote computer pranking, a new generation.

If you're like me, then your longtime dream has been to take over all the computers in your office and make them play hysterical laughter and/or other crazy noises. Sure, there are all manner of underground "back orifice" type tools out there that can take over a computer, but until now, there wasn't something simple and disposable that you could use in your office without causing headaches further down the road when you have to uninstall some dubious trojan horse.

No... that's too much effort/risk for a stupid prank. Still, the idea of a ghost in the machine has haunted me for some time.

Way back in 2005, I built a primitive version of OfficePoltergeist for Windows, and, while it was hard to use, it was quite a big hit. Even now, when you search for "Computer Prank," the memory of the OfficePoltergeist remains perserved in the handful of articles which cover that topic.

Almost immediately after launch, the Windows OfficePoltergeist, which was written in a macro language called "AutoIt" and compiled into an application, ended up on some analyst's desk at every one of anti virus makers. They promptly flagged OfficePoltergeist as a trojan horse... which I guess it kind of was. A nice trojan horse.

At any rate, I ran out of time to work on OfficePoltergeist. It was a stupid project that, while somewhat novel, didn't really warrant any more attention than I'd already given it. I let the domain expire. The poltergeist dream died.

In the intervening decade, I became a reasonably competent developer for a major corporation, but, often, the puzzle of OfficePoltergeist would visit me in dreams. How can I make it easy and fun to haunt a computer? What tools do I have at my disposal?

My dreams are now your reality. Like the famous spiritual manifestation which derives its power from the scene of a terrible crime, OfficePoltergeist runs within Chrome itself. You can now channel the spirit world in real time via websockets.

OfficePoltergeist uses SSL and socket.io to communicate back to a Central Poltergeist Server. Think of it like the ghost storage unit in Ghostbusters, except a lot more like a cheap virtual machine in some datacenter somewhere.

The rest of the story is in the code. Take a look at it... see how it all works.

Where's the Controller?

Gosh! I'm totally working on it. None of this is "production" ready yet. I'll have a beta interface up shortly...
