
This repository contains the thesis and the corresponding code I created for my bachelor's thesis

Primary LanguageTeX

Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Locomotion of a Snake-like Robot using Tensorflow

This repository contains my bachelor's thesis latex-project and the code I wrote for it. The pdf-version of the thesis can be found under thesis/main.pdf. The presentation contains animations that cannot be rendered when viewed as pdf


Directory Algorithm 
DQN Deep-Q-Network
DDPG Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
PPO Proximal Policy Optimization


  • Python 3.5.2 or newer
  • MuJoCo license to run environments like the Swimmer-v1


All packages can be installed using pip

  • tensorflow 1.3.0
  • numpy 1.13.1
  • gym 0.9.2
  • scipy 0.19.1
  • mujoco 0.5.7

Run Locally

  • Clone the repo
  • Go to the folder <algorithm-name>/scripts/ and run python3 main.py.

Each algorithm has different hyperparameters which can be set using eg:
python3 main.py --environment Swimmer-v1

A list of all hyperparameters and its use can be found using:
python3 main.py --help

Logs will be saved in ../logs/<environment-name>/<time>. They contain information about:

  • rewards.csv episode rewards
  • arguments.json arguments used in the run
  • tf/ all tensorflow-data including checkpoints