
Text Segmenter

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


RNNLM Segmenter

Given a fully separated space (character-) separated text, finds segments by concatenating units for which the probability is higher than a given threshold. Probability on a unit is calculated using recurrent neural network based language models. There are two versions:

  • uni-directional, using only left-to-right probability
  • bi-directional, using the product of both left-to-right, and right-to-left probability. The segmenter runs in iterations. In each iteration a new language model is built, based on the segmentation from the previous iteration.



python2.7 iterate-rnnlm-segment.py -rnnlm ./rnnlm -it 100 -method bi -fast 1 -threshold 0.5 -output iterations/ data/1M.en.chars.txt


Given a text file, iterates uni-directional or bi-directional RNNLM-word-segmentation.

positional arguments:
  text                  The input text

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -threshold -threshold
                        The prob threshold (default=0.5)
  -rnnlm rnnlm          file path to the rnnlm program (default=./rnnlm)
  -it it                Number of iterations (default=10)
  -method method        Segmenting using uni-directional probabilities, or bi-
                        directional probabilities; bi (default) or uni
  -fast fast            Segments much faster, but uses only one training
                        iteration for the RNNLMs (default=1)
  -output output        Output folder to which the segmentations should be
                        written (1 file / iteration), default = "iterations/"