
CTFd Avatar using Gravatar & Dicebear API

Primary LanguagePython


copy the init.py on the repo into your own CTFd source code.

ctfd > themes > themefolder > templates > scoreboard.html

ctfd > themes > themefolder > templates > users.html

ctfd > themes > themefolder > templates > public.html

ctfd > themes > themefolder > templates > private.html

ctfd > themes > themefolder > templates > settings.html

add these codes into that files

---------------------------------- for scoreboard, using standings <img width="50" height="50" loading="lazy" class="cellBodyIcon" src="{{ standing.gravatar }}" data-fallback="https://api.dicebear.com/7.x/initials/svg?seed={{ standing.name }}" onerror="this.src = this.dataset.fallback;this.onerror='';" style="border: 2px solid #7E57C2; border-radius: 50%;" >

---------------------------------- for profile/users, using user <img width="50" height="50" loading="lazy" class="cellBodyIcon" src="{{ user.gravatar('404') }}" data-fallback="https://api.dicebear.com/7.x/initials/svg?seed={{ user.name }}" onerror="this.src = this.dataset.fallback;this.onerror='';" style="border: 2px solid #7E57C2; border-radius: 50%;" >


adjust it how did you need it.

it will call gravatar API to gravatar profile using hashed email address from your registered users. If it didnt found the gravatar profile, it will call dicebear api to generate random avatar.