
#jkshindig Utility to render seating chart for wedding

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#jkshindig Seating Chart Generator

This project generates an SVG file (and PNG file) from seating chart data for our wedding. I thought this would be less time-consuming than trying to build it out by hand in a graphics editor. I was probably wrong about that.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Generates the seating chart in development mode. View it in the browser at http://localhost:3000. Will reload as edits are made.

yarn run prepare-data <filename.csv>

Reads and munges the CSV data for the seating chart. Expects data to have the following columns:

Column Name Redundant Description
Title "Mr.", "Miss", etc
First Guest's first name
Last Guest's last name
Table Table number or other identifier

yarn run render-image <arguments>

Creates SVG and PNG files for the final image. Accepts the following arguments:

Argument Description Default Value
--render-width The rendering width (in inches) to use for the SVG. Height will be computed automatically. 36in
--output-svg The filename for the rendered SVG file. ./data/seating-chart.svg
--output-png The filename for the rendered PNG file. ./data/seating-chart.png
--dpi The DPI setting to use when converting inches to pixels for PNG rendering. 300