Modern Theme for Cockatrice

Motivating factors behind this theme:

  • Provide a neutral color palette that isn't biased torwards any particular color or lightness.
  • Maximize the effect of the cards' colors on the on the battlefield.
    • Light cards should appear lighter than the background
    • Dark cards should appear darker than the background
  • Avoid excessive/distracting ornamentation
  • Tighter, more streamlined sounds
  • Not a complete UI overhaul.
    • Only the minimum changes necessary to achieve stated goals.


Screenshots (v0.2)



Theme Variant with Helvetica Condensed UI Font (Optional)


This variant of the theme uses helvetica_condensed.ttf that is found in themes/modern/helvetica_condensed.ttf and needs to be installed, if the HelveticaCondensed version of the release is chosen

Sounds (Optional)

The sound theme is technically separate from the UI theme, which is optional


  1. Download the latest zip file from

  2. Put the files in the location specified here:

  • Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Cockatrice\Cockatrice
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/Cockatrice/Cockatrice
  • Mac OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Cockatrice/Cockatrice

More information:

  1. (Optional) If you choose the HelveticaCondensed release, see above for installing the font.

  2. Select the theme in Cockatrice with Cockatrice->Settings->Appearance

  3. (Optional) Select the sound theme in Cockatrice->Settings->Sound

  4. Press OK on Settings. Then re-start cockatrice (this is for icons to load correctly)