
terminal finance app that helps user make a better decision about options trading.

Primary LanguageC++



OPChooser is a tool to help you to make options trading decision. That is, it analyzes all of options retrieved by the given ticker symbol and then give you a set of options which has the max payoff.(Note: with the demo version(iborder branch), you could place an order after getting the result.) OPChooser is also a final project for Stevens Institute of Technology - FE545 Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing. The Motivations for this project is to learn and practice Object Oriented Design Patterns.




  • master
  • iborder (support placing order) demo version


  • Singleton Pattern
  • Factory Pattern
  • Iterator Pattern
  • Template Pattern
  • Strategy Pattern


Overall Directory Structure

At a high level, the structure looks roughly like this:

  |- include/
  |  |- IOptionCollection.h           (Interface for Option Collection) 
  |  |- IOptionIterator.h             (Interface for Option Iterator)
  |  |- MyAppHelper.h                 (Header file for Helper class)
  |  |- Option.h                      (Header file for Option model class) 
  |  |- OptionCollection.h            (Header file for concreate Option Collection class)
  |  |- OptionFactory.h               (Header file for Option Factory)
  |  |- OptionIterator.h              (Header file for concreate Option Interator class) 
  |  |- Restclient.h                  (Header file for RestClient class)
  |  |- Logger.h                      (Header file for Logger class)
  |  |- OptionFilter.h	              (Header file for options filter class)
  |  |- TemplateOne.h	              (Header file for Template Method class)
  |  |- Strategy.h                    (Header file for Strategy class)
  |  |- EPosixClientSocket.h          (Branch iborder)
  |  |- EPosixClientSocketPlatform.h  (Branch iborder)
  |  |- PosixTestClient.h             (Branch iborder)
  |- source/
  |  |- Main.cpp                      (Main function)
  |  |- MyAppHelper.cpp               (Implementation for Helper class)
  |  |- Option.cpp                    (Implementation for Option class)
  |  |- OptionCollection.cpp          (Implementation for concreate Option Collection class)
  |  |- OptionFactory.cpp             (Implementation for Option Factory class)
  |  |- OptionIterator.cpp            (Implementation for concreate Option Iterator class)
  |  |- Restclient.cpp                (Implementation for RestClient class)
  |  |- Logger.cpp                    (Implementation for Logger class)
  |  |- OptionFilter.cpp              (Implementation for options filter class)
  |  |- TemplateOne.cpp	              (Implementation for Template Method class)
  |  |- Strategy.cpp	              (Implementation for Strategy class)
  |  |- EClientSocketBase.cpp         (Branch iborder)
  |  |- PosixTestClient.cpp           (Branch iborder)
  |  |- EPosixClientSocket.cpp        (Branch iborder)
  |- shared/
  |- Makefile                         (Makefile for building this application)
  |- README.md                        (Readme file for github)

Option Model

enum OptionType { CALL, PUT };
class Option {
	string stockName;
	string optionSymbol;
	double strikePrice;
	double purchasePrice;
	double optionPrice;	// ask
	OptionType optionType;
	boost::gregorian::date purchaseDate;
	boost::gregorian::date expirationDate;

Data Service API Reference


This is a container class used to saving option informations. Basically, it is a std::vector<Option>.
  • getIterator()

    Returns a iterator for the collection.

     OptionCollection optionList = GET_OPTIONS("GOOG", "2013-12", CALL);	
     IOptionIterator *iter = optionList.getIterator();
     for ( Option p = iter->firstOption(); iter->isDone() == false; p = iter->nextOption() ) {
     	std::cout << p << std::endl;

Helper Class

This is a wrapper class for the functions used to get stock/option related informations.
  • GET_STOCK_PRICE(stock_name)

    Returns the price of stock given in stock_name.

    double price = GET_STOCK_PRICE("GOOG")	 => get the price of GOOG.
  • GET_OPTIONS(stock_name, expiration_date, option_type)

    Returns the options list with the given arguments.

    OptionCollection optionList = GET_OPTIONS("GOOG", "2013-12", CALL) => get all of GOOG's option(Type: call, expiration date: before 2013-12).
  • SEND_HTTP_REQUEST(request_url)

    Returns the response(string) of url given in request_url. Only HTTP GET method.


Logger Class

This is a logger class for logging informations.
  • LOGGER_CONF(logfile_name, configuraitons, fileVerbosityLevel, screenVerbosityLevel)

    Configures the logger.

    LOGGER_CONF("outputfile", Logger::file_on|Logger::screen_on, DEBUG_FLAG, ERROR_FLAG) => log debug info in logfile and error info on screen.
    LOGGER_CONF("", Logger::screen_on, DEBUG_FLAG, DEBUG_FLAG) => log debug info on screen.
  • LOGGER(log_flag, log_messages)

    Prints log messages.

    LOGGER(DEBUG_FLAG, "hello " << "world"); => log message "hello world".

Build and Run

Under the root directory

$ git checkout iborder (switch to branch iborder in order to support place order)
$ make
$ ./OPChooser -h
Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]         Print help messages.
  -v [ --verbose ]      Print words with verbosity.
  -o [ --output ] arg   Set logging output file.
  -t [ --ticker ] arg   Set the name of ticker.
  -d [ --date ] arg     Set expiration date for the given ticker.
  -order                place order when finished calculation using Interative Broker Socker Client(Branch iborder).