This is an eCommerce web application created with MERN Stack. It has user authentication system, an admin user who can add new products in the app, check for order and payments and also choose which order has been delivered from the store. It is also connected to PayPal for payments.


  • Full featured shopping cart
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Top products carousel
  • Product pagination
  • Product search feature
  • User profile with orders
  • Admin product management
  • Admin user management
  • Admin Order details page
  • Mark orders as delivered option
  • Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
  • PayPal / credit card integration
  • Database seeder (products & users)
  • Cropped Image Upload(Working on it)

How to use this repo

install node_modules

  • Frontend

    ~\Shopping> cd frontend
    ~\Shopping\frontend> npm install
    ~\Shopping\frontend> cd ..
  • Backend

    ~\Shopping> npm install

configure environment variables

  1. Create a .env file in `Shopping folder

  2. Add the following variables to it

     NODE_ENV = production
     PORT = 5000
     MONGO_URL =  
     JWT_SECRET = 
    • NODE_ENV is used to state whether a particular environment is a production or a development environment.
    • PORT is the port the server will listen on.
    • MONGO_URL is mongo atlas's connection string. You can find my details in here
    • JWT_SECRET is

Update new code to heroku

  • Login in to heroku in master branch

    heroku login
  • push code to heroku

    git push heroku master

Built with

  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • ReactJs
  • Redux
  • MongoDb
  • React Hooks
  • React Bootstrap
  • Axios
  • Bcrypt
  • JSON Web Tokens
  • Prettier
  • Eslint
  • React Helmet

Live Version
