
Minesweeper game implemented with .net 5 and Vue

Primary LanguageC#


dotnet package

The Minesweeper game. Implemented with .net 5 and Vue

The game is hosted on Azure. It can be played at https://minesweepervue.azurewebsites.net/

Project structure

  • src/MinesweeperDomain: Core minesweeper game logic
  • src/MinesweeperApi: Rest API backend that exposes game functionality and manage game sessions.
  • src/MinesweeperConsole: Console application that handles a single game instance via command line interface.
  • src/MinesweeperVue: Vue/Vuetify frontend application that uses the backend API to play the game.
  • test/Minesweeper.UnitTests: Tests for the core game logic in the MinesweeperDomain project.
  • test/Minesweeper.API.IntegrationTests: Integration tests of REST API Backend in the MinesweeperAPI project.
  • deployment: ARM template for deployment to Azure.

Minesweeper Web Application

The Web Application is built from three components. The Domain project contains the core game functionality. The API backend component expose games with a session handler through a REST API. The Vue frontend interacts with the backend REST API and enables the user to play the game.

Minesweeper - Architecture

The application is hosted as a Docker container on Azure Web Apps. When a pull request is commited to the master branch on github, a github action will trigger the build and deployment workflow. If all tests are passing and all code compiles successfully, Docker will build a single container image that contains both the backend API and the frontend Vue app. On completion of the image build, the image is pushed to Dockerhub. A Webhook on Dockerhub will trigger a new deployment on Azure. The Azure Web App deployment will then download the new image and deploy it.

Container image on Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/jonsofteland/minesweeper


Minesweeper1 Minesweeper2

Minesweeper Console

The Console project is a simple implementation of a command line frontend for the game:

  Minefield: width: 40 height: 15 mines: 40
  Number of moves: 9 Fields explored: 496/600 Flags used: 2
  Last point explored: 11,1
  Status: Active
    1 #####1   111      1#1
    2 #####1   1F1      1#1           111
    3 ####21   111      11211     111 1#1
    4 ####1              1##1     1#1 111
    5 ####1        111   1#21   11211
    6 ####1        1F1   1#1 1222#1
    7 ####1  111   1221111#111##211
    8 11211  1#1    1####1######1   111111
    9   1#1  111 122212#2111####1   1####1
  10   111 111  1##1 111  1####1   1111221
  11       1#1  13#31     1####2       1#1
  12       111   1##1     1####1      1221
  13             1221   122####1      1#1  11
  14    111   111       1######1      111  1#
  15    1#1   1#1       12#####1           1#
  Command: (R)andom (E)xplore (F)lag (U)nflag (Q)uit