
An extremely lifelike computer model of mars, written in Java

Primary LanguageJava


An extremely lifelike computer model of mars, written in Java

Entering Input

The first line of input is the upper-right coordinates of the rectangular world, the lower-left coordinates are assumed to be 0, 0.

The remaining input consists of a sequence of robot positions and instructions (two lines per robot). A position consists of two integers specifying the initial coordinates of the robot and an orientation (N, S, E, W), all separated by whitespace on one line. A robot instruction is a string of the letters “L”, “R”, and “F” on one line. The input can be completed by entering two carriage returns from the line below the last string of letters.

Example Input

5 3
1 1 E

3 2 N

0 3 W


For unit tests, JUnit4 is required.

JUnit4 can be installed from here