Soil Nutrients Analyzer Pantry (SNAP) is a mobile application developed using Dart, Flutter, and SQlite, designed to help users monitor and optimize soil conditions for plant and crop growth. The app offers a comprehensive suite of features for soil analysis and plant management.
- Includes a button that can be tapped to start soil scanning.
- This feature is designed to work with the mobile phone connected to a Bluetooth module linked to the sensor of an embedded system to record the soil qualities.
- Once the scan is completed, the soil qualities will be displayed on the recommendations page. This allows the user to easily monitor and track the NPK content, pH value, humidity, and temperature levels of the plants and crops.
- Provide relevant information to manage plant and crop data.
- Information include the date and time of recording, NPK content, pH value, humidity and temperature levels, and the recommended plant and crop. This information is essential for optimizing plant growth and crop management practices.
- Displays important information such as NPK content, pH value, humidity, and temperature levels, which are critical factors determining the success of plant and crop growth.
- The recommended plant and crop data is also included in the Analytics Page, providing users with valuable information on the types of plants and crops best suited for their specific soil conditions.
- Displays a comprehensive list of plants and crops commonly grown by farmers and home gardeners, organized alphabetically to ensure more straightforward navigation.
- Provides essential information for a plant or crop to grow in a balanced soil quality (e.g., NPK content, pH value, humidity, and temperature levels).
- Once the user taps a specific plant or crop, it will display the recommended soil qualities.