Cambridge University Spaceflight landing predictor - a web-based tool for predicting the flight paths of meteorological sounding balloons.
- adamgreigOxford, UK
- alexozerBoston, MA
- aperifons
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- carroux@facebook
- cesy
- curiousleo
- danielrichmanEngland
- elmatouasapp
- eroomdeAirborne Engineering Ltd
- flyingclimberWikimedia Foundation
- gitpancake
- GPS2288German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- jamescoxon
- jonsowman@wayveai
- julevans
- justinstainesNone
- landisPhiladelphia, PA
- lovelaceDurham, NC
- marshall@loft-orbital
- mdcarter@leboncoin, @boonjy
- mikaelnousiainenFinland
- monchiestevezarg / esp / pty / usa
- nlevnaut@portcanary
- oakaigh@Retmax
- pingud98
- relaxnow@veracode
- relrodRed Hat, Inc.
- rmjblake
- SomethingNew71Vanguard
- sq7lrxLavaBS
- stilistPortland, OR
- tracyloisel@equipetechnique
- vaLinBSDCzech Republic
- willanth
- ZuphTechshot Inc.