Currency Exchange API

By Jon Stump

This project is a currency exchange application


Currency Conversion Epicodus Friday Project


Initial Specs:

Behavior Input Output
Input Currency and amount AED The current rate for AED is $18.3625
Receive error if API returns one Error You have received an error: Invalid API Key
Receive message if currency doesn't exist KPW Sorry we can't cover a rate for KPW

Technologies used

  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • NPM
  • Jest
  • webpack
  • C8H10N4O2

Installation :

  • Copy the following link to your clipboard:
  • Open a Bash Terminal
  • In your terminal window, navigate to a directory that you would like to clone the repository to
  • Within your git bash terminal type in 'git clone' and then paste in the link from your clipboard by right clicking and selecting 'paste' example below:
$ git clone
  • Once the project is cloned navigate to the cloned directory and run npm install to install all relevant modules.
  • Navigate to ExchangeRate-API, sign up, and generate a key.
  • Once you have a key create a .env file in the project folder.
  • Inside the .env file add "API_KEY=" with your generated API key after the equals sign. No spaces.
  • Before running the server you may need a chrome extension to get around CORS errors. A recommended extension can be found here.
  • After running npm install you will want to run npm run start to build and start a server for the project.
  • You should now be able to try out the currency convertor.
  • Now you should be able to open the project in your text editor and look at its functionality as well by navigating to the project folder and opening it with your text editor of choice.


  • appends list items and never clears list when convert is clicked

Further Exploration

  • Convert back from USD
  • Add drop downs for all available Currencies



Jon Stump © 2021

Contact Information

Jon Stump: Email