
This is the library for React Native Android to link USB printer

Primary LanguageJava


A React Native Library to support USB printer for Android platform


npm install react-native-usb-printer --save

Integrate module

To integrate react-native-usb-printer with the rest of your react app just execute:

react-native link react-native-usb-printer


import { RNUSBPrinter } from 'react-native-usb-printer';

RNUSBPrinter.printText('This is test print.')
RNUSBPrinter.printBillTextWithCut("<C>This is test print.</C>")
RNUSBPrinter.printBillTextWithCut("<M>This is test print.</M>")
RNUSBPrinter.printBillTextWithCut("<CM>This is test print.</CM>")


  componentDidMount = async () => {
    var devices = await RNUSBPrinter.getUSBDeviceList();
    vendorID = 1155
    productId = 22304
    let printedSelected = await RNUSBPrinter.connectPrinter(vendorId, productId);
    this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.state, {
        printedSelected: printedSelected,
        devices: devices,

  printTest = () => {
    if(this.state.printedSelected) {
      RNUSBPrinter.printText("<C>This is test print.</C>\n");
      console.log("No printer connected")

  printRawDataTest = () => {
    if(this.state.printedSelected) {
      RNUSBPrinter.printBillTextWithCut("<C>This is test print.</C>");
      console.log("No printer connected")


  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          this.state.deviceList.map(device => (
            <Text key={device.device_id}>
              {`device_name: ${device.device_name}, device_id: ${device.device_id}, vendor_id: ${device.vendor_id}, product_id: ${device.product_id}`}
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.printTest()}>
          <Text> Print Text </Text>
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.printRawDataTest()}>
          <Text> Print Bill Text </Text>