
An example code of Android App

Primary LanguageKotlin

FavMovies a Coding Example

  • API https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-top-rated-movies

  • Home Screen:

  • The main screen of the app, consists of a screen with two tabs at the bottom of the screen:

  • First Tab:

  • This tab is called “Movies” it shows a grid view with an infinite pagination of the movies, ordered by rate (top rated movies at the beginning), each movie should have a favorite icon that can be clicked to add the movie to favourites or remove it.

  • Second Tab: -This tab is called Favorite movies, and should show the movies favorited, you can remove the movie from favorite by clicking the favorite icon on the movie.

  • Written in Kotlin

  • MVVM with Architecture components (Jetpack)

  • Integrate Dependency Injection (Koin)

  • Use Retrofit with Kotlin coroutines for API calls

  • Use ROOM to store local data

  • Use single activity architecture

  • Use the navigation component from architecture components