
amnesiac epic irc script

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Amnesiac Software Project.
# See the 'COPYRIGHT' file for more information.

* AMNESIAC HOME PAGE:	http://amnesiac.ircii.org
  IRC Support channel: #amnesiac on EFnet @ irc.efnet.org

* Amnesiac Mailing list: http://epicsol.org/mailman/listinfo/amnesiac

* common faq's,documents etc can be accessed via from the following.
  http://amnesiac.ircii.org/doc/amn-faq.txt (the faq)
  http://amnesiac.ircii.org/doc/amn-fuq.txt (freq unanswered questions)
  http://amnesiac.ircii.org/doc/NOTES (various troubleshooting info)
  http://amnesiac.ircii.org/doc/ (to browse various documents)
  http://amnesiac.ircii.org/bugs.html (for any unsurprising knwon bug
  report(s) in epic5, or amnesiac)

* people who wish to see amnesiac source via cvsweb may do so @

* The INSTALL file gives detailed instructions how to install amnesiac.

* The documents directory, contains misc documents for amnesiac and epic
  as well as the todo list, and knownbugs.

* The pasture directory, contains stuff some people may still want but has
  been removed. or for reference purpose.

* If you find a bug in amnesiac, please join one of our support channels
  primarily on efnet, to report a bug, or drop an email to the mailing
  list: amnesiac@<nospam>epicsol.org if you have subscribed
  this may help speed up fixing a bug in case i am not around or vice versa.

* If you want a feature in amnesiac or anything else, please let
  crapple/kreca/skullY@efnet know, or drop an e-mail to the mailing list.

* The CHANGES file contains any amendments to the help files since the 
  last release of amnesiac
* The CHANGES.1.2.3x file contains changes between releases.

* NOTES file contains common questions and possible solution, please
  also see amn/docs for more documentation.

I would like to thank the following people for contributing
in some way to this project.

        Jeremy Nelson  <jnelson at epicsol dot org>
        Brian Weiss    <brian at epicsol dot org>
	Xavier	       <jak at epicsol dot org>
	Jonas Trollvik <kreca at ircii dot org>
	Zach White     <zwhite at ircii dot org>
	Void	       <void at mindcryme dot com>
	ryan	       <ryan at slipgate dot org>
	violence       <prozac at scenewhore dot org>
	adam	       <adam at d62 dot net>
	Mike Garrison  <Alien88 at EFnet>
        BlackJac       <BlackJac at EFnet>
        Trent Petrasek <trent at deathwish dot net>

if you beleive your name should be on this list drop me an e-mail.