A NES emulator in ~5000 significant bytes of c++.
Plays some mapper 0 and mapper 1 games.
Probably only builds on Linux and macOS.
$ make
$ ./smolnes <rom.nes>
Action | Key |
DPAD-UP | ↑ |
B | Z |
A | X |
START | Enter |
SELECT | Tab |
Look for lines 23 and 24 in the source code. The following table shows which numbers map to which keyboard keys:
number | default key | gameboy button |
27 | X | A Button |
29 | Z | B Button |
43 | Tab | Select Button |
40 | Return | Start Button |
79 | Arrow Right | DPAD Right |
80 | Arrow Left | DPAD Left |
81 | Arrow Down | DPAD Down |
82 | Arrow Up | DPAD Up |
Replace the numbers on this line with one from the SDL scancode list.