
Set of components created with Radix-Vue. Inspired by shadc/ui & shadcn-vue.

Primary LanguageVue

UI Thing

Set of components created with Radix-Vue. Inspired by shadc/ui & shadcn-vue.

Cover Image


Netlify Status

The documentation can be found here: https://ui-thing.behonbaker.com/


  • shadcn/ui
  • Radiv-Vue
  • TailwindCSS
  • Nuxt
  • Nuxt UI

Thanks to the maintainers of the other third party libraries used in this project.

Getting Started

  • Create a Nuxt 3 project
  • Install the dependencies
  • Run the init command
npx ui-thing@latest init
  • Start the dev server
npm run dev
  • Add components to your project with the add command
npx ui-thing@latest add



npx ui-thing@latest init

This command will install the dependencies and add the required configuration to your project.


npx ui-thing@latest add

This command will add the components to your project.


npx ui-thing@latest theme

This command will add the theme to your project.


npx ui-thing@latest prettier

This command will add the prettier configuration to your project.


npx ui-thing@latest shortcuts

This command will add the defineShortcuts & useShortcuts composables to your project.