
Rust + RTFM on the PineTime!

Primary LanguageRust

Rust/RTIC on PineTime

Target MCU: nRF52832 (xxAA)

Current status: PoC


What works:

  • Bare-metal Rust with nrf52-hal
  • RTIC for concurrency
  • embedded-graphics for drawing onto the LCD
  • Detect button presses
  • Cycle through backlight brightness levels using button
  • Show battery charge status and voltage
  • Send BLE advertisement frames using the pure-Rust rubble stack


  • A simple watch interface
  • Support for the step counter
  • Better Bluetooth support an experimental pure-rust BLE stack


Flashing (cargo-embed)

Install cargo-embed:

$ cargo install -f --git https://github.com/probe-rs/cargo-embed/

Flash the target:

$ cargo embed --release

Flashing (openocd)

Run OpenOCD:

$ ./openocd.sh

Run the code

$ cargo run [--release]

Flashing (J-Link GDB Server)

Run JLinkGDBServer:

$ ./jlinkgdbserver.sh

Run the code

$ cargo run [--release]