
HTML and resources for my profile website. (PHP)

Primary LanguagePHP

This site is an experiment building something that conforms with my enneagram. That is:
Control -> Self love -> Connection -> Selfless contribution -> Release -> Play -> Control

Happiness, I believe, comes from self-love, connection, and selfless contribution. 
Additionally it can also come from "Play".

The key item, connection, is based on quality. All pages need to connect (make the user love them, though quality and authenticity), regardless of stated purpose.

This site attempts to:

/ Connect deeply
/bio/ Show my self love though showing my abilities, experience and personal history. Be a storyteller. - This builds trust
/work/ Show how I can help *YOU*, the user. Shows how I contribute to the world.
/play/ Show how I play with "lack of control". Lets others try too.

How to connect:
-Be vunrable
-"it's how you make them feel"
-Talk to them 1 to 1 
-...or 1 to 2
-Be yourself, no pedestal
-"I'm a human, this is what i feel"


really liking yourself. really, truly connecting. really caring about others


A different site:
Allow users to:
Connect deeply with me and each other.
Allow self love, let them show their skills, and tell a story, etc.
Allow users to contribute, to care for things through their work.
Allow the users to play, to try a little "lack of control". :)